With soccer leagues and camps for ages 2 to Over 35, we’ve got you covered for fun, recreational activity, year round!

Fall Session – Our Fall soccer session runs September through December/January – intro to soccer programs for 2 & 3 year olds, 13 week youth leagues for ages 4-17, and 12 week adult leagues for recreational & over 35 mens, ladies and co-ed soccer teams and players. Registration opens June 1st.

Winter Session – Our Winter soccer session runs January through April/May and offers all of the same programs as the Fall session! Registration opens October 1st.

Summer Session – Our Summer soccer session runs May/June through August offering 12 week adult recreational mens, ladies, and co-ed soccer leagues. Registration opens March 1st. *** NEW *** Youth leagues are now available for the Summer session!

For further information on available leagues, registration, schedules, etc, please follow one of the links below.

Click below to access:

Registration    |    Calendar    |    Schedules

Barrie Sports Dome